Arkego represents leading companies in automation, packaging , refrigeration and industrial safety.
Carefully selected, the collaboration with the represented companies allows us to guarantee the end customer quality products and services that are always in line with changes.
Professionalism and expertise of the companies we work with ensure excellent service, guiding the customer to the choice of the best solution and service according to their needs.

Organizza ed eroga, con la collaborazione di Enti Certificati, corsi di formazione tecnici e normativi.

Proponiamo delle consulenze pratiche e professionali a coloro che desiderano avviare e sviluppare nuove imprese in poco tempo.

Stesura business plan; Verifica dei requisiti soggettivi e professionali per l’apertura dell’attività; Consulenza per la scelta della forma

Plan with our team every step of your project

Design with us all the aspects of each workspace

Build a solid company with a successful business plan
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ARKEGO garantisce un sistema di assistenza prima, durante e dopo la vendita.